Mr Jack Comerford

Mr Jack Comerford


Research interests

  • 18th-Century Music
  • Domestic Music-Making in Georgian Britain
  • Baroque Vocal Music

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Research interests

  • 18th-Century Music
  • Domestic Music-Making in Georgian Britain
  • Baroque Vocal Music

Current research

My research explores the ubiquity of Handel’s music and the arrangements of his works that dominated the English musical landscape in the second half of the eighteenth century. Though a highly scrutinised figure, arrangements of Handel’s works have received little attention. Consequently, my doctoral work explores the parameters of domestic music-making and seeks to understand how Handel’s music manifested itself in the home. Other strands include the delineation between public and private - the translation of musical spheres - and an exploration into British societal imperatives and values that were key to championing Handel’s music and placing the man on a pedestal. I am also interested in the perceptions of male and female music-making and overlooked eighteenth-century female performers.