Research interests
- Physical oceanography
- Submesoscale dynamics
- Divergence and curl in coastal areas
- Coastal ocean modelling
Current research
High-resolution satellite images of ocean colour reveal intricate features like small eddies, filaments, and whirls at scales smaller than 10 km. These features play a crucial role in regulating the global climate by driving exchanges of heat, gases, freshwater, and nutrients between the ocean surface and its depths, as well as influencing horizontal transport. Despite their importance, most of what we know about these small-scale processes comes from models, as direct measurements are rare, expensive, and difficult to collect.
In my research, I use data from the innovative OSCAR airborne system, which captures ocean currents and wind fields at 200-meter resolution. I analyse data from recent campaigns in France and the Mediterranean, comparing it with models, satellite observations, and in situ measurements. My goal is to create accurate maps of surface divergence, curl, and vertical currents while exploring how these features are influenced by underwater topography.