Catrice Pendletons's doctoral research is exploring how algorithmic decision making systems (ADMS) deployed by justice systems can be used responsibly to ensure the fair dispensation of justice.
Catrice's reseach is ecploring the pressing policy problem of how best to combine algorihtmic decision making with professional judgement to ensure fair assessments and effective risk management. It focusses on the OGRS algorithm, which is an ADMS that assesses and predicts risks of reoffending.
Catrice is commited to research that can improve policy making and have a positive impact on peoples lives. This has been her main driver throughout her studies and career. She achieved a First Class Honours Degree in Sociology and Criminology and an MSc in criminal justice policy from the London School of Economics. Catrice has held positiions in orgaisations that support deprived groups. Examples include: The Big Issue; Support through Court; Restorative Justice Council and Global Justice.
She is also contributing to the academic community in her role as the Editorial Assistant for the International Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Online Courses completed by Catrice include: Introduction to Algorithms IHarvard University - online); Algorithmic aspects of Machine Learning (Harvard University - online) and Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Massachusetss Institute of Technology - online.