Doctor Xiaojun Lu

Dr Xiaojun Lu

Lecturer in Applied Linguistics

Research interests

  • Second language acquisition
  • Second language writing
  • Methods in second language writing process research

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Xiaojun


Xiaojun Lu is Lecturer in Applied Linguistics in the Department of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University of Southampton. She holds a PhD in applied linguistics from the UCL Institute of Education, University College London. Prior joining University of Southampton, Xiaojun taught at University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Xiaojun's research interests include second language acquisition, second language writing, learner individual differences, and task-based language teaching and learning. She also holds an interest in combining qualitative (e.g., stimulated recall) and quantitative methods (keystroke-logging, eye-tracking) to investigate second language writing processes. Xiaojun serves as editorial board member of Journal of Second Language Writing, chair of London Second Language Acquisition Research Forum, and vice chair of IAPLL (International Association for the Psychology of Language Learning) Psychology of Task-based Language Teaching Special Interest Group.