Hybrid materials and devices facility

About the Hybrid materials and devices facility

Part of the Zepler Cleanrooms

We specialise in solution-processed materials and thin film characterisation. This includes those found in flexible or wearable optoelectronic devices and battery research. 

Our capabilities include a wet lab with fume hoods which are used for substrate and formulation preparation, solution-based thin-film processing, and electrochemical characterisation.

We have a nitrogen (N2) filled glove box with spin-coater and hotplate, used for film deposition of air-sensitive materials from their solution. This includes semiconducting polymers and perovskites.

Our thin film surface characterisation capabilities include atomic force microscopy, Kelvin probe with ambient photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman microscopy.

Technical specification

Capabilities and Equipment  

Hybrid materials processing  

This is a wet lab with workbenches and two fume hoods suitable for the following processes:  

  • preparation of solutions from organic, inorganic or hybrid materials, including nanoparticles 
  • substrates cleaning using solvents and UV-ozone 
  • thin film deposition via spin-coating or drop-casting the solution on rigid or flexible substrates
  • electrochemistry workstation with electrochemical cells and potentiostat for battery characterisation


Deposition glovebox  

The glovebox is filled with N2 gas and the O2 and H2O levels are constantly kept <0.1 parts per million (ppm). It is mainly used for:

  • thin film deposition via spin-coating and thermal annealing (up to 300°C) suitable for up to 160 millimetre (mm) wafers or 100x100mm square substrates
  • safe storage of anhydrous and/or toxic solvents
  • encapsulation of air-sensitive samples before taking out to ambient for further measurements


Thin film surface characterisation  

We provide microscopy and spectroscopy tools for the characterisation of thin films surface properties:  

  • thin film and battery research configured atomic force microscopy (AFM) integrated into an argon-filled glovebox for high resolution measurements, while the environment is maintained at <0.1ppm oxygen and water
  • Kelvin probe with ambient photoelectron spectroscopy for measurement of work function and ionisation potential of metal or semiconductor films and surface photovoltage spectroscopy performed in solar cells
  • Raman microscope for Raman spectroscopy measurements and chemical analysis of thin films


Bruker Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscope (EC-AFM) in glovebox  

Dimension ICON scanning probe microscope (SPM) that performs all major SPM imaging techniques including:  

  • PeakForce tapping, ScanAsyst, tapping mode (air), contact mode, lateral force microscopy, phase imaging, surface potential, piezoresponse microscopy and force spectroscopy, magnetic force microscopy 
  • scanning capacitance microscopy, tunnelling/conductive AFM (TUNA/CAFM), PeakForce scanning electro-chemical microscopy (SECM) and electrochemistry (EC) modes

EC-AFM image showing also the Raman tool with the lady operating the AFM

Glove box with spinner for materials affected by exposure to air. Renishaw Raman microscope in background.


InVia Renishaw Raman microscope  


  • research grade Leica microscope
  • alignment optimisation and system validation


Kelvin Probe APS04 system  

KP Technology uniquely offers the combination of all energy level (Φ, IP, Ef, Eg) measurements in one unit via the following capabilities:  

  • ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APS)
  • scanning Kelvin probe
  • surface photovoltage
  • surface photovoltage spectroscopy
Kelvin Probe tool

Kelvin probe tool for photoelectron spectroscopy 


G3P SPS Spin-coater  

Spin-coater used for thin film deposition on rigid or flexible substrates:  

  • rotational speed 0 to 9,999 revolutions per minute (RPM) 
  • acceleration/deceleration time 0.1 to 25.5 seconds


Ossila UV-Ozone cleaner  

  • provides a simple, inexpensive, and efficient method of obtaining ultra-clean surfaces free of organic contaminants
  • can clean a wide range of substrates, such as quartz, silicon, gold, nickel, aluminium, gallium arsenide, aluminium oxide, and glass slides
  • produces an atomically clean surface in only a few minutes


Optima™ MAX-XP tabletop ultracentrifuge  

  • delivers fast, efficient separations from samples as small as 175 microlitres up to 32.4 millilitres and at speeds of up to 150,000RPM and more than 1,000,000 relative centrifugal force (x g)


M-Braun Unilab Pro Glovebox with Eco-Mode 

Glovebox with gas purification system for the work under controlled atmosphere with <0.1ppm oxygen and moisture and unit for removal of solvent contaminations (LMF), including:  

  • spin-coater type SPIN150i-NPP for cleaning, drying, coating and/or etching of up to 160mm substrates or 100x100mm square
  • MB-HPL 150 ECO hotplate system for heating and curing of rigid substrates with max 150x150mm up to 300°C
M-Braun glovebox equipment

M-Braun Unilab Pro glovebox with eco-mode


Contact us

Contact us

For more information or to book the facility, get in touch: