Agents, Interaction and Complexity

Our people

We're a vibrant group with academics, researchers, and students from over 10 countries, across Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, and Economics.

Mr Alexander Bincalar MEng

Research interests

  • The mechanisms of balance, along with ways to interact with them for improving performance.
  • The design and construction of low-cost, wireless, real-time data collection systems - for use in balance measurement and home-based interactive systems.
  • Finding algorithms and alternative hardware designs that optimise the accuracy of force measurement systems.
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Mr Anbang Du

Research interests

  • Science of Science
  • Computational Social Science
  • Infectious Disease Funding Allocation
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Dr Arpan Mandal

Research Fellow in NLP
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Dr Ayodeji Abioye

Research Fellow in Human-Swarm Interactn

Research interests

  • Unmanned Multi-rotor Aircraft
  • Autonomous Robotic Systems
  • Human Machine Interaction
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Dr Bahar Rastegari

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Mr Behrad Koohy

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Dr Christine Evers

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Machine Listening
  • Robot Audition
  • Bayesian inference
Connect with Christine

Dr Christoph Tremmel

Research Fellow in Wellbeing Technology

Research interests

  • Brain-Computer-Interfaces
  • Electroencephalography
  • Biomedical Engineering
Connect with Christoph

Dr Corina Cirstea

Associate Professor

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Corina

Dr Danesh Tarapore

Associate Professor
Connect with Danesh