Centre for Clinical and Community Applications of Health Psychology


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Alicia O'Cathain, Liz Croot, Edward A.S. Duncan, Nikki Rousseau, Katie Sworn, Katrina Turner, Lucy Yardley & Pat Hoddinott, 2019, BMJ Open, 9(8), 1-9
Type: article
Michelle M. Holmes, Felicity L. Bishop, David Newell, Jonathan Field & George Lewith, 2018, Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, 26(1)
Type: article
Eve Ainscough, Sandra Smith, Kate Greenwell & Derek Hoare, 2018, American Journal of Audiology, 27, 503-512
Type: article
Aleksandar Štulhofer, Tanja Jurin, Cynthia Graham, Paul Enzlin & Bente Træen, 2018, Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-22
Type: article