Research Group

Digital Health

Professor Age Chapman examines some proteomics data analytics

Our researchers are examining and developing information and communication technologies to help address the health problems and challenges faced by patients.


With a rising population across the globe, many societies are struggling to meet healthcare demand.   Digital health care interventions are key to tackling this issue and help to enhance the efficiency, delivery and security of services to patients, and supporting care in the community. 

But with so many new digital technologies available and the immediate access to massive data sets how can we harness this information to ensure it makes a real difference to society?  And how do we overcome the challenges of privacy and personal data protection? 

Southampton scientists across medicine and electronics and computer science are combining machine learning,  genome sequencing and other computational methods to develop new digital health interventions to help healthcare professionals and patients to manage illness and promote health and wellbeing.   This includes both hardware and software solutions including using Internet of Things smart devices, wearable devices and monitoring sensors.    

Our teams are also using digital health technologies to analyse already available data sets to establish trends of behaviour and decision patterns with the aim of predicting future healthcare needs as well as examining the role data protection plays in this ever-expanding research field. 

People, projects and publications


Dr Kate Farrahi

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • the intersection of machine learning and digital health
  • developing machine learning methods for human sensing using vision- and wearable-based technologies

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Kate Greenwell

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Intervention development and evaluation
  • Digital Health
  • Supporting carers, families, and couples

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Kate Hough

Research Fellow in Neuroimmunology

Research interests

  • Hearing loss
  • Cochlear implants
  • Macrophages
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Professor Kate Ward

Professor in Global M/skeletal Health
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Professor Kath Woods-Townsend

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise

Research interests

  • Adolescent Health
  • Scientific Literacy
  • Health Literacy

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Katherine Bradbury

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Katherine

Professor Katherine Newman-Taylor

Professorial Fellow-Education

Research interests

  • CBT and mindfulness for psychosis
  • Attachment based interventions for psychosis
  • Recovery approaches to living well with severe mental ill-health

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Kathy Carnelley

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • My research area is personal relationships. I investigate the ways in which attachment experiences with parents and romantic partners influence how people view the self, others and relationships. My research focuses on how models of self and others influence people's thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in romantic relationships, for example relationship functioning and caregiving. I am co-founder of the UK Attachment Network.
  • One stream of my research focuses on moving people toward felt security. Attachment security is associated with better relationship quality and well-being. I examine the extent to which temporarily activated attachment security (via priming) can lead to these positive outcomes in a series of studies.  With my colleagues and students, for example, I have investigated the effects of priming attachment security on self-views and relationship-views, feelings of vitality and energy, pain sensitivity, mental health, and therapy attitudes. In addition, I have tested ways to increase the impact of a security prime via repeated priming in the lab, online, or via text messaging.
  • Other streams of research focus on attachment networks (e.g., who serves as attachment figures, how they change over time). Recently I’ve investigated the role of partners in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, examining personal and relational wellbeing and goals. I’m also interested in close relationships and technology use (e.g., technoference).

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Katie Meadmore

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Research on research
  • Qualitative research
  • Ethics in research
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Professor Katrin Deinhardt


Research interests

  • Short- and long-range neurotrophin signalling and its role in morphological plasticity
  • Early neuronal dysfunction in disturbed proteostasis
  • Cellular mechanisms that underlie tau propagation across neurons
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True interdisciplinary research, in which collaborators share the challenges and strengths of different domains is more than just applying one domain’s techniques to another area’s problems. Interdisciplinary research opens up new and exciting research opportunities in both domains by changing the shape of the problem and highlighting why existing approaches are not fit for use.
Professor of Computer Science

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