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E. Hywel Evans, Jorge Pisonero, Clare M.M. Smith & Rex N Taylor, 2015, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 1017-1037
Type: article
M.A. Martínez-Botí, G.L. Foster, T.B. Chalk, E.J. Rohling, P.F. Sexton, D.J. Lunt, R.D. Pancost, M.P.S. Badger & D.N. Schmidt, 2015, Nature, 518(7537), 49-54
Type: article
Gregory O’Mullan, M. Elias Dueker, Kale Clauson, Qiang Yang, Kelsey Umemoto, Natalia Zakharova, Juerg Matter, Martin Stute, Taro Takahashi & David Goldberg, 2015, PLoS ONE, 10(1)
Type: article
Rex N. Taylor, Osamu Ishizuka, Agnieszka Michalik, J. Andrew Milton & Ian W. Croudace, 2015, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30(1), 198-213
Type: article
Type: conference