Research project

CaNDyFloSS: Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics and Fluxes over Shelf Systems - Moore - NERC


Lead researcher

Professor Mark Moore

Professor of Oceanography

Research interests

  • Marine Biogeochemistry
  • Oceanic nutrient and carbon cycling
  • Phytoplankton photosynthesis
Connect with Mark
Other researchers

Dr Anna Hickman


Research interests

  • The role of marine phytoplankton in biogeochemical cycles
  • Phytoplankton ecology, primary production, photo physiology and bio-optics
  • Understanding the physical controls on biological processes and associated feedbacks
Connect with Anna

Professor Toby Tyrrell

Professor of Earth System Science
Connect with Toby

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

E. Elena García-Martín, Chris J. Daniels, Keith Davidson, Clare E. Davis, Claire Mahaffey, Kyle M.J. Mayers, Sharon McNeill, Alex J. Poulton, Duncan Purdie, Glen A. Tarran & Carol Robinson, 2019, Progress in Oceanography, 177, 1-13
Type: article
E. Elena García-Martín, Chris J. Daniels, Keith Davidson, Jose Lozano, Kyle Mayers, Sharon McNeill, Elaine Mitchell, Alex J. Poulton, Duncan A. Purdie, Glen A. Tarran, Callum Whyte & Carol Robinson, 2019, Progress in Oceanography, 177
Type: article
Michelle Barnett, Alan Kemp, Anna Hickman & Duncan Purdie, 2019, Continental Shelf Research, 174, 140-157
Type: article
Matthew Humphreys, Eric P. Achterberg, Joanne Hopkins, Mohammed ZH Chowdhury, Alex Griffiths, Susan Hartman, Tom Hull, A. Smilenova, Juliane Wihsgott, Malcolm Woodward & Christopher Moore, 2018, Progress in Oceanography
Type: article