Research project

Chemosynthetically-driven ecosystems south of the polar front: Biogeography and Ecology


Other researchers

Professor Jon Copley BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, SFHEA


Research interests

  • Deep-sea ecology
  • Ocean exploration
Connect with Jon

Research outputs

Chong Chen, Leigh Marsh & Jonathan T. Copley, 2018, Plankton and Benthos Research, 13(1), 25-27
Type: article
Jessica K. Klar, Rachael H. James, Dakota Gibbs, Alastair Lough, Ian Parkinson, J. Andrew Milton, Jeffrey A. Hawkes & Douglas P. Connelly, 2017, Geology, 45(4), 351-354
Type: article
Leigh Marsh, Paul Tyler, Jonathan Copley & Sven Thatje, 2015, Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(4), 898-913
Type: article