Research project

*CLOSED* STFC New Rolling Grant 2010


Lead researcher

Professor Nils Andersson

Professor of Applied Maths

Research interests

  • General relativistic astrosphysics
  • Black holes
  • Neutron stars
Connect with Nils
Other researchers

Professor Ian Jones

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Gravitational wave astronomy
  • Neutron stars
  • Radio pulsars
Connect with Ian

Professor Leor Barack

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Classical General Relativity
  • Gravitational waves
  • Black Holes
Connect with Leor

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Nils Andersson, B. Haskell & G.L. Comer, 2010, Physical Review D, 82(2), 023007-[15]
Type: article
M. Punturo, M. Abernathy, F. Acernese, B. Allen, N. Andersson, K. Arun, F. Barone, B. Barr, M. Barsuglia, M. Beker, N. Beveridge, S. Birindelli, S. Bose, L. Bosi, S. Braccini, C. Bradaschia, T. Bulik, E. Calloni, G. Cella, E. Chassande Mottin, S. Chelkowski, A. Chincarini, J. Clark, E. Coccia, C. Colacino, J. Colas, A. Cumming, L. Cunningham, E. Cuoco, S. Danilishin, K. Danzmann, G. De Luca, R. De Salvo, T. Dent, R. Derosa, L. Di Fiore, A. Di Virgilio, M. Doets, V. Fafone, P. Falferi, R. Flaminio, J. Franc, F. Frasconi, A. Freise, P. Fulda, J. Gair, G. Gemme, A. Gennai, A. Giazotto, K. Glampedakis, M. Granata, H. Grote, G. Guidi, G. Hammond, M. Hannam, J. Harms, D. Heinert, M. Hendry, I. Heng, E. Hennes, S. Hild, J. Hough, S. Husa, S. Huttner, G. Jones, F. Khalili, K. Kokeyama, K. Kokkotas, B. Krishnan, M. Lorenzini, H. Lück, E. Majorana, I. Mandel, V. Mandic, I. Martin, C. Michel, Y. Minenkov, N. Morgado, S. Mosca, B. Mours, H. Müller-Ebhardt, P. Murray, R. Nawrodt, J. Nelson, R. Oshaughnessy, C.D. Ott, C. Palomba, A. Paoli, G. Parguez, A. Pasqualetti, R. Passaquieti, D. Passuello, L. Pinard, R. Poggiani, P. Popolizio, M. Prato, P. Puppo, D. Rabeling, P. Rapagnani, J. Read, T. Regimbau, H. Rehbein, S. Reid, L. Rezzolla, F. Ricci, F. Richard, A. Rocchi, S. Rowan, A. Rüdiger, B. Sassolas, B. Sathyaprakash, R. Schnabel, C. Schwarz, P. Seidel, A. Sintes, K. Somiya, F. Speirits, K. Strain, S. Strigin, P. Sutton, S. Tarabrin, J. van den Brand, C. van Leewen, M. van Veggel, C. van den Broeck, A. Vecchio, J. Veitch, F. Vetrano, A. Vicere, S. Vyatchanin, B. Willke, G. Woan, P. Wolfango & K. Yamamoto, 2010, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27(8), 84007
Type: article
Niels Warburton & Leor Barack, 2010, Physical Review D, 81(8), 84039
Type: article
T. Sidery, A. Passamonti & N. Andersson, 2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Type: article