Research project

Diabetes and hearing loss (D-HEAL): Uncovering the connection for healthy ageing

Project overview

Aims and Objectives

The primary goal of this project is to investigate the comorbidity of hearing loss and diabetes in older adults from a socioeconomic perspective.

Throughout the project, I will undertake several key activities:

Data Refinement: I will explore the available coding variables within the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), a nationally representative sample of older people. This includes examining key measures of hearing loss and diabetes that are available in 9 Waves of ELSA.

Prevalence Analysis: I will conduct exploratory analyses to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and hearing loss across various socioeconomic groups in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the available sub-samples and their sufficiency for multivariable analyses.

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE): Gathering input from patients and families to inform the main application via a Workshop.

Networking and Collaboration: The Strategic Research Development Fund will support networking visits and participation in a conference to establish links with potential collaborators with relevant expertise and stakeholders who would be interested in co-developing impact and knowledge exchange activities.


Lead researchers

Dr Dalia Tsimpida

Lecturer in Gerontology
Research interests
  • Public Health, Policy and Systems Research
  • Healthy Ageing and Longevity
  • Social epidemiology and multimorbidity in later life
Connect with Dalia

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