Research project

Dr Guy Poppy BBSRC Pest Control (CLOSED)


Lead researchers

Professor Guy Poppy CB FMedSci

Professor In Biological Sciences
Connect with Guy

Research outputs

T.W. Pope, R.D. Girling, J.T. Staley, B. Trigodet, D.J. Wright, S.R. Leather, H.F. van Emden & G.M. Poppy, 2012, Journal of Applied Entomology
Type: article
Joanna T. Staley, David B. Stafford, Emma R. Green, Simon R. Leather, John T. Rossiter, Guy M. Poppy & Denis J. Wright, 2011, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1706), 718-724
Type: article
Robbie D. Girling, Alex Stewart-Jones, Julie Dherbecourt, Joanna T. Staley, Denis J. Wright & Guy M. Poppy, 2011, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1718), 2646-2653
Type: article
J.T. Staley, R.D. Girling, A. Stewart-Jones, G.M. Poppy, S.R. Leather & D.J. Wright, 2011, Journal of Applied Entomology
Type: article
Joanna T. Staley, Alex Stewart-Jones, Tom W. Pope, Denis J. Wright, Simon R. Leather, Paul Hadley, John T. Rossiter, Helmut F. van Emden & Guy M. Poppy, 2009, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1682), 779-786
Type: article