Research project

Growth and development of bacterial 3-dimensional structures - A multidisciplinary approach.

  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

David Phillips Fellowship Award.
The objective of this research is to integrate approaches to the study of autonomously replicating cells in confined environments (here we consider malignancies and surface-attached bacteria). It is proposed that the evolutionary and ecological pressures for growth in these taxonomically very different systems are fundamentally the same, and thus can be addressed within the same experimental and conceptual framework. Processes of interest in tumorigenesis include i) destabilisation if the cancer cell genome, ii) viral-host cell interactions (in certain cancers) and iii) differentiation and death of cancer cells inside tumours. This project will integrate approaches to bacterial and tumour development by studying these processes in 3-dimensional structures in bacterial biofilms.


Lead researchers

Professor Jeremy Webb

Professor of Microbiology
Research interests
  • Microbial biofilms and their control
  • Adaptive biology and evolution of microorganisms
  • Biofilm-associated infection
Connect with Jeremy

Research outputs

K.E. McElroy, J.G.K. Hui, J.K.K. Woo, A.W.S. Luk, J.S. Webb, S. Kjelleberg, S.A. Rice & T. Thomas, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(14), E1419-E1427
Type: article
Jerry K.K. Woo, Jeremy S. Webb, Sylvia M. Kirov, Staffan Kjelleberg & Scott A. Rice, 2012, FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 66(2), 251-264
Type: article
N. Barraud, B.G. Kardak, N.R. Yepuri, R. Howlin, Jeremy S. Webb, S.N. Faust, S. Kjelleberg, S.A. Rice & M.J. Kelso, 2012, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51(36), 9057-9060
Type: article
Alexandra S. Penn, Tim C.R. Conibear, Richard A. Watson, Alex R. Kraaijeveld & Jeremy S. Webb, 2012, FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 65(2), 226-235
Type: article
Magnus G. Fagerlind, Jeremy S. Webb, Nicolas Barraud, Diane McDougald, Andreas Jansson, Patric Nilsson, Mikael Harlén, Staffan Kjelleberg & Scott A. Rice, 2012, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295, 23-36
Type: article