Research project

Dr Wright, EPSRC, The Baum-Connes Conjecture or Translation Algebras

  • Lead researchers:
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  • Status:
    Not active


Lead researchers

Dr Nick Wright

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Coarse geometry
  • Non-commutative geometry
  • The Baum-Connes conjecture
Connect with Nick

Research outputs

Jacek Brodzki, Graham A. Niblo, Roger Plymen & Nick Wright, 2016, Journal of Functional Analysis, 270(3), 957-975
Type: article
Jacek Brodzki, Graham A. Niblo & Nick Wright, 2015, Advances in Mathematics, 273, 287-323
Type: article
Martin Finn-Sell & Nick Wright, 2014, Advances in Mathematics, 259, 306-338
Type: article
2014, Journal of K-theory K-theory and its Applications to Algebra Geometry and Topology, 13(1), 83-113
Type: article
2014, Journal of Functional Analysis, 266(5), 2689-2739
Type: article