Research project

Environmental Biotechnology Innovation Centre


Lead researcher

Emeritus Professor Sonia Heaven

Professorial Fellow-Research

Research interests

  • Current research interests are in the use of biological systems for energy production, biomass production for biorefineries and pollution remediation.
Connect with Sonia
Other researchers

Dr Yue Zhang

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) for organic waste management and renewable energy production, especially optimisation of digestion process e.g. via selective trace element supplementation, and manipulation of microbially-mediated pathways methanogenesis
  • Mixed-culture fermentation for bio-based chemical production with integration of downstream recovery processes, especially on selective carboxylic acid production from protein-rich wastes
  • CO2 biomethanisation, especially in-situ hydrogen addition new project to be created
Connect with Yue

Dr Yongqiang Liu

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment 
  • Biofilm 
  • Anaerobic digestion 
Connect with Yongqiang

Research outputs