Research project

EP/E045693/1 Nanoscale Multifunctional Molecules

  • Lead researcher:
  • Research funder:
  • Status:
    Not active


Lead researcher

Dr Eugen Stulz

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • DNA chemistry
  • Chemical Biology
  • Medicinal chemistry
Connect with Eugen

Research outputs

Eugen Stulz, 2015, CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 69(11), 678-683
Type: article
Ashley Brewer, Matthew Lacey, John R. Owen, Iris Nandhakumar & Eugen Stulz, 2011, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 15(4), 257-263
Type: article
Thomas J. Bandy, Ashley Brewer, Jonathan R. Burns, Gabriella Marth, ThaoNguyen Nguyen & Eugen Stulz, 2011, Chemical Society Reviews, 40(1), 138-148
Type: article
Jonathan R. Burns, Jurgita Zekonyte, Giuliano Siligardi, Rohanah Hussain & Eugen Stulz, 2011, Molecules, 16(6), 4912-4922
Type: article