Research project

EPSRC - Nanostructured Photonic Metamaterials


Lead researchers

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay
Other researchers

Research outputs

Wei Ting Chen, Chen Jung Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou, Guang-Yu Guo, Chih Ting Hsiao, Kuang-Yu Yang, Nikolay I. Zheludev & Din Ping Tsai, 2011, Optics Express, 19(13), 12837-12842
Type: article
K.S. Kaur, M. Feinäugle, D.P. Banks, J-Y. Ou, F. Di Pietrantonio, E. Verona, C.L. Sones & R.W. Eason, 2011, Applied Surface Science, 257(15), 6650-6653
Type: article
E. Plum, K. Tanaka, W.T. Chen, V.A. Fedotov, D.P. Tsai & N.I. Zheludev, 2011, Journal of Optics, 13(5)
Type: article