Research project

How does the aurora heat the upper atmosphere?


Lead researcher

Dr Daniel Whiter

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Earth's aurora
  • Auroral acceleration and structuring mechanisms
  • Effects of auroral precipitation on the upper atmosphere
Connect with Daniel

Research outputs

Anton Goertz, Noora Partamies, Daniel Whiter & Lisa Baddeley, 2023, Annales Geophysicae
Type: article
Patrik Krcelic, Robert Fear, Daniel Whiter, Betty Lanchester, Mark Lester, Anasuya Aruliah & Larry Paxton, 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(2)
Type: article
Daniel Whiter, Noora Partamies, Björn Gustavsson & Kirsti Kauristie, 2023, Annales Geophysicae
Type: article
Noora Partamies, Daniel Whiter, Kirsti Kauristie & Stefano Massetti, 2022, Annales Geophysicae, 40(5), 605-618
Type: article
James E. Waters, Caitriona M. Jackman, Daniel K. Whiter, Colin Forsyth, Alexandra R. Fogg, Laurent Lamy, Baptiste Cecconi, Xavier Bonnin & Karine Issautier, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(9)
Type: article