Research project

Human Entrainment for the Improvement of HRC

Project overview

This project aimed at understanding how human collaborators entrain with one another, and how this can be transferred to human-robot collaboration (HRC). Thereby, we aim at not only improving efficiency during the collaboration, but furthermore add secondary side effects as observed during human-human entrainment (e.g., increased likeability and trust).


Lead researchers

Dr Eike Schneiders

Lecturer in Computer Science
Research interests
  • Human-Computer and Robot Interaction
  • Human-AI Interaction focusing on generative AI and its impact on society
  • Multidisciplinary research in collaboration with, artists, medical professionals, and lawyers
Connect with Eike

Research outputs

Eike Schneiders, Christopher Fourie, Stanley Celestin, Julie Shah & Malte Jung, 2024
Type: conference
Eike Schneiders & Stanley Celestin, 2022
Type: conference