Research project

I Williams -ZeroWIN -EU FP7


Lead researchers

Professor Ian Williams

Professor in Applied Environmental Scien
Research interests
  • Waste and Resource Management
  • Carbon management
  • Air Pollution
Connect with Ian

Research outputs

Ian Williams & Peter Shaw, 2017, Waste Management, 60, 1-2
Type: article
R. Peagram, I.D. Williams, A. Curran, S. Mueller, E. den Boer, B. Kopacek, S. Schadlbauer & J. Musterle, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(WR4), 178-192
Type: article
E. den Boer, I.D. Williams, T. Curran & B. Kopacek, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(4), 137-138
Type: article
I.D. Williams, T. Curran, E. den Boer, A. Pertl, D. Lock, A. Kent & P. Wilding, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(4), 139-152
Type: article
V. Durão, J. Caixnhas, S. Osório-Peters, E. den Boer, I.D. Williams, A. Curran & A. Pertl, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(4), 153-168
Type: article