Research project

INVOLVing pEople with cognitive impaiRment in decisions about their hospital nursing care: a systematic review

Project overview

The aim of this review is to systematically identify, describe and analyse reports that describe and/or evaluate interventions to engage people with cognitive impairment in nursing care decisions in hospital settings.
It will focus on meeting four objectives:
i. To assess the impact of interventions on optimising the involvement of people with cognitive impairment in decisions about their nursing care in hospital settings.
ii. To identify the enablers and barriers to implementing relevant interventions in acute hospital settings.
iii. To identify how the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each intervention relate to observed outcomes.
iv. To assess the extent and nature of involvement of people with cognitive impairment in the development and evaluation of relevant interventions.


Lead researchers

Emeritus Professor Jackie Bridges PhD MSN BN(Hons) PGCert

Research interests
  • Older people’s care and support
  • Professional work and workforce development
  • Organisational behaviour
Connect with Jackie

Dr Jo Hope

Associate Professor
Connect with Jo

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs