Research project

Liossi - GOSH SPARKS End of Life Pain Management


Lead researchers

Professor Christina Liossi

Professor of Paediatric Psychology
Research interests
  • Understanding adjustment to chronic illness from both the patient and family perspectives
  • Developing and evaluating CBT based interventions for people with chronic illnesses
Connect with Christina

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Christina Liossi, Katherine Greenfield, Daniel Schoth, Christine Mott, Satbir Jassal, Lorna Katharine Fraser, Dilini Rajapakse, Richard F. Howard, Margaret Johnson, Anna-Karenia Anderson & Emily Harrop, 2021, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 62(5), 1041-1064
Type: article
Katherine Greenfield, Simone, Lisa Holley, Daniel Schoth, Emily Harrop, Richard.F. Howard, Julie Bayliss, Lynda Brook, Satbir.S. Jassal, Margaret Johnson, Ian Wong & Christina Liossi, 2020, Palliative Medicine, 34(6), 689-707
Type: review