Research project

MEMS Backscattered Antenna for Passive Wifi and RF Power Harvester


Lead researchers

Dr Bruce (Jun-Yu) Ou

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Metalens for imaging and metrology
  • AI for nanoimaging
  • Nano-optomechanics
Connect with Bruce (Jun-Yu)
Other researchers

Professor Jize Yan


Research interests

  • Sensor Technology and Cleanroom Fabrication
  • Metrology and Monitoring for Medicine, Space, Infrastructure and Quantum
  • Fisher Information and Coherence Entropy Illuminated AI Design for Optical Sensing and Computing
Connect with Jize

Research outputs

Ren Wang, Bing-Zhong Wang, Xiao Ding & Jun-Yu Ou, 2017, Scientific Reports, 7
Type: article
Ming Lun Tseng, Xu Fang, Vassili Savinov, Pin Chieh Wu, Jun-Yu Ou, Nikolay I. Zheludev & Din Ping Tsai, 2017, Scientific Reports, 7
Type: article