Research project

Modulation of Macrophage Response by Nitric Oxide delivery from Nanoclay based Hydrogels for Skin Tissue Regeneration

Project overview

1) We will have trained multidisciplinary researchers who understand the potential of translational biomedical materials and chemical engineering across both groups, with an understanding of different cultures and methodologies and enhance diversity and inclusivity that will benefit the talented young scientists in the field of biomedical and health.
2) Through the exchange programme, we will have strengthened our UK-Korea collaboration and secured new technologies across both groups for the development of nanoclay-based hydrogels for tissue regeneration.
3) The UK PI has built up knowledge and expertise in the area of immunomodulatory biomaterials and co-investigators are world-leaders in applying drugs to clay nanoparticles and translational tissue regeneration.
4) The technology and the skillset of the Korean PI (NO delivery, composite hydrogel fabrication) are world-leading and the UK applicants will greatly benefit by having indirect access to this expertise and, critically, access to fully characterised materials from the Korean PI.
5) We will have established a wider research network format; UK-Korea-Japan in the field of biomedical and healthcare. The UK applicants are currently working on MRC-AMED UK-Japan grant in the area of stem cell and macrophage response to nanoclay for tissue regeneration.


Lead researchers

Dr Yanghee Kim

Sr Research Fellow (Anni Fellowship) Med
Connect with Yanghee

Other researchers

Emeritus Professor Richard Oreffo DPhil DSc (Oxon) FMedSci FHEA FRSB FIOR

Research interests
  • Skeletal Regenerative MedicineSkeletal Stem Cells
Connect with Richard

Professor Jon Dawson

Prof Fellow of Regenerative Medicine
Connect with Jon

Research outputs

Sungwon Jung, Hyungseok Yong, Sohyeon Park, Dongchang Kim, Seokgyu Ryu, Yang-Hee Kim, Bumgyu Choi, Woojin Choi , Joon-Seok Lee, Jeeyoung Yoo, Jinkee Hong & Sangmin Lee, 2022, ACS Energy Letters, 7(11), 3997-4004
Type: article