Research project


Project overview

This study is now complete, please see associated publications. The PRINCESS trial will assess the efficacy and mechanisms of a nutritional intervention (daily probiotics) to enhance immune function and reduce infection in care home residents. This is anticipated to reduce antibiotic prescribing for common infectious diseases in a high-risk population.


Lead researchers

Professor Philip Calder

Professor In Nutritional Immunology
Connect with Philip

Other researchers

Professor Paul Little

Professor in Primary Care Research
Connect with Paul

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Christopher C. Butler Butler, Mandy Lau, David Gillespie, Eleri Owen-Jones, Mark Lown, Mandy Wootton, Philip Calder, Antony J. Bayer, Michael Moore, Paul Little, Jane Davies, Alison Edwards, Victoria Shepherd, Kerenza Hood, F. D. Richard Hobbs, Mina Davoudianfar, Heather Rutter, Helen Stanton, Rachel Lowe, Richard Fuller & Nick Francis, 2020, Journal of the American Medical Association, 324(1), 47-56
Type: article