Research project

Non-Dyadic Human-Robot Interaction: Concepts and Interaction Techniques

Project overview

This project investigates human-robot interaction (HRI) beyond the typical dyadic setting. To study non-dyadic HRI five studies are conducted. I used a mixed method approach to investigate the following two questions:

i) What characterises non-dyadic Human-Robot Interaction research?

ii) What influence do robots have on collaboration in non-dyadic Human-Robot Interaction?


Lead researchers

Dr Eike Schneiders

Lecturer in Computer Science
Research interests
  • Human-Computer and Robot Interaction
  • Human-AI Interaction focusing on generative AI and its impact on society
  • Multidisciplinary research in collaboration with, artists, medical professionals, and lawyers
Connect with Eike

Research outputs

Eike Schneiders, Christopher Fourie, Stanley Celestin, Julie Shah & Malte Jung, 2024
Type: conference
Eunjeong Cheon, Eike Schneiders, Kristina Diekjobst & Mikael B. Skov, 2022, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2)
Type: article
Eun Jeong Cheon, Eike Schneiders & Mikael B. Skov, 2022, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6
Type: article
Eike Schneiders, Anne Marie Kanstrup, Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael Brasholt Skov, 2021
Type: conference