Research project

Powrie - Track Systems for High Speed Railways: Getting it Right


Lead researchers

Professor William Powrie

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

Research interests

  • Railway track and trackbed behaviour and performance
  • Geotechnical transportation infrastructure (earthworks, retaining walls, tunnels)
  • Groundwater and groundwater control
Connect with William
Other researchers

Professor David Thompson MA PhD CEng FIMechE FIOA FHEA

Professor of Railway Noise and Vibration

Research interests

  • Low noise design in railways
  • Ground vibration and ground-borne noise
  • Aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
Connect with David

Dr Zhiwei Hu

Associate Professor
Connect with Zhiwei

Professor Joel Smethurst BEng PhD GMICE FHEA


Research interests

  • Deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure subject to both seasonal cycles of wetting and drying and applied traffic loading
  • The effect of extreme weather events and climate change on the performance of earthworks (cuttings and embankments) and flood levees
  • The effects of vegetation transpiration and root reinforcement on the performance of earthworks
Connect with Joel

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Chi Liu, David Thompson, Michael Griffin & Mani Entezami, 2019, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
Type: article
David Milne, Louis Le Pen, Geoff Watson, David Thompson, William Powrie, Mick Hayward & Simon Morley, 2018, Transportation Geotechnics, 17(Part A), 61-68
Type: article
David Milne, Louis Le Pen, William Powrie & David Thompson, 2018, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
Type: article
D. Soper, C. Baker, A. Jackson, David Milne, L. Le Pen, G. Watson & W. Powrie, 2017, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 169, 251-264
Type: article