Research project

R Sandberg - UK Turbulence Consortium


Other researchers

Professor Neil Sandham

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Research interests

  • Transonic aerodynamics of wings
  • Hypersonic flows with transition to turbulence
  • Flow over rough surfaces
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Research outputs

Yongxin Chen, Kamal Djidjeli & Zheng-Tong Xie, 2022, Fluids, 7(329)
Type: article
Adriano Cerminara & Neil Sandham, 2020, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 896, 1-44
Type: article
Zhong-Nan Wang, Anderson Proenca, Jack Lawrence, Paul G. Tucker & Rod H. Self, 2020, AIAA Journal, 58(6), 2494-2503
Type: article
Charles Badoe, Zheng-Tong Xie & Neil Sandham, 2019, Computers & Fluids, 184, 64-77
Type: article
David J. Lusher, Satya P. Jammy & Neil D. Sandham, 2018, Computers and Fluids, 1-5
Type: article