Research project

S Pugh - MRC - MR/M018423/1 - The role of miR-31 in regulating response of colorectal cancer to EGFR inhibition


Other researchers

Professor Alex Mirnezami

Professor of Surgical Oncology
Connect with Alex

Professor Gareth Thomas

Professor of Experimental Pathology
Research interests
  • Fibroblast biology and immunology
  • Tumour microenvironment
  • Cancer Immunotherapy
Connect with Gareth

Dr Emre Sayan

Associate Professor
Research interests
  • - The link between EMT and apoptosis/therapy resistance.
  • - Mechanobiology of EMT: How tumour stiffness associates with EMT and creates tumour microenvironment.
  • - How EMT influences non-cancer cells in tumour microenvironment (e.g. T cell recruitment or fibroblast-myofibroblast differentiation).
Connect with Emre

Research outputs

John Bridgewater, Siân A. Pugh, Tom Maishman, Zina Eminton, Jane M. Mellor, Amy Whitehead, Louise Stanton, Michael Radford, Andrea Corkhill, Gareth Griffiths, Stephen Falk, Juan Valle, Derek O'Reilly, Ajith K. Siriwardena, Joanne Hornbuckle, Myrddin Rees, Timothy Iveson, Tamas Hickish, O. James Garden, David Cunningham, Timothy Maughan & John Primrose, 2020, The Lancet Oncology, 21(3), 398-411
Type: article
Sian Pugh, Raphaele Thiebaut, John Bridgewater, Marie-Lise Grisoni, Karwan Moutasim, Francis Rousseau, Gareth Thomas, Gareth Griffiths, Francois Liebaert, John Primrose & Pierre Laurent-Puig, 2017, Oncotarget
Type: article
Bethany Shinkins, Brian D. Nicholson, John Primrose, Rafael Perera, Timothy James, Sian Pugh & David Mant, 2017, PLoS ONE, 12(3)
Type: article
Sian A. Pugh, Megan Bowers, Alexandre Ball, Stephen Falk, Meg Finch-Jones, Juan W. Valle, Derek A. O'Reilly, Ajith K. Siriwardena, Joanne Hornbuckle, Myrddin Rees, Charlotte Rees, Tim Iveson, Tamas Hickish, Tom Maishman, Louise Stanton, Elizabeth Dixon, Andrea Corkhill, Mike Radford, O. James Garden, David Cunningham, Tim S. Maughan, John A. Bridgewater & John N. Primrose, 2016, British Journal of Cancer, 115, 420-424
Type: article