Research project

Sandham - Jet noise from in stability mode interactions


Lead researchers

Professor Neil Sandham

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Research interests

  • Transonic aerodynamics of wings
  • Hypersonic flows with transition to turbulence
  • Flow over rough surfaces
Connect with Neil
Other researchers

Dr Zhiwei Hu

Associate Professor
Connect with Zhiwei

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

N.D. Sandham, E. Schuelein, A Wagner, S Willems & J Steelant, 2014, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 752, 1-33
Type: article
V. Suponitsky, N. D. Sandham & Anurag Agarwal, 2011, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(17), 4123-4138
Type: article
R.D. Sandberg, V. Suponitsky & N.D. Sandham, 2010
Type: conference
Victoria Suponitsky, Neil D. Sandham & Christopher L. Morfey, 2010, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 658, 509-538
Type: article