Research project

Sandham N - Extending the buffet envelope: step change in data quantity and quality of analysis


Lead researchers

Professor Neil Sandham

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Research interests

  • Transonic aerodynamics of wings
  • Hypersonic flows with transition to turbulence
  • Flow over rough surfaces
Connect with Neil

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Pradeep Moise, Markus Zauner & Neil Sandham, 2022, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 944
Type: article
Markus Zauner, Nicola De Tullio & Neil Sandham, 2019, AIAA Journal, 57(2)
Type: article
Christian T. Jacobs, Markus Zauner, Nicola De Tullio, Satya Jammy, David Lusher & Neil Sandham, 2018, Computers & Fluids, 168, 67-72
Type: article