Research project

Smart metamaterial interfaces for prosthetics and orthotics

Project overview

EPSRC Doctoral Prize

Project Summary:
Human-device interfaces present a well-known challenge in the research field of prosthetics and orthotics (P&O). External P&O devices are wearable and require mechanical attachment to the body to either replace (prosthetic) or support (orthotic) functions that are missing or require augmentation due to various health issues. These mechanical interfaces, especially those relating to lower extremities, are subject to extensive and prolonged loading during daily living. A known external cause of tissue breakdown is extensive and uneven mechanical loading across body/device interfaces. Interface materials with varying stiffness are needed to accommodate different loading regions to eliminate load “hotspots”, which can be achieved by optimising load distribution. A potential means of tuning material stiffness without altering the material itself are mechanical metamaterials. By altering their geometric parameters, these structures can exhibit a wide range of stiffnesses.

Aims and objectives:
The overall aim is to design and develop novel smart metamaterial interfaces which can be 3D printed to accommodate personalised P&O loaded interfaces to achieve optimal load distribution, thus minimising risk of tissue damage and help improve patients’ quality of life.

The primary objectives include:
• Systematic design of novel metamaterials with tuneable stiffness for loaded body interfaces.
• Design and 3D print smart metamaterial interfaces, i.e., personalised prosthetic liners and insoles, which will be evaluated using computational (FEA) and in-lab mechanical tests.
• Biomechanical feasibility studies involving participants, whereby the effects of smart interfaces will be assessed.


Lead researchers

Dr Kirstie Devin MEng, PhD

EPSRC Research Fellow
Research interests
  • Smart interfaces for prosthetics and orthotics
Connect with Kirstie

Research outputs