Research project

The COIL project – (Charging point Locations)

Project overview

“The CoiL project will lay the foundations for a broader research proposal into optimal location analysis for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI).
A key project partner is Transport for the South East (TfSE) who are developing a strategy for ECVI rollout. This pump-priming exercise will lay the foundations for a broader research project to identify and address knowledge gaps relating to the optimisation of EVCI installation locations.
This is a complex geospatial resource allocation problem; there are many variables to consider. Given that 2030 is less than 7 years away, prioritisation must be given to areas where EVCI installation will be most beneficial, and uptake for Electric Vehicles will be greatest.”


Lead researcher

Mr Jason Sadler

Principal Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
  • Web science
  • Environmental web applications and semantics
Connect with Jason

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