Research project

UKRI EPSRC - TAS Hub Early Career Researcher Award

Project overview

The UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) programme aims to build a collaborative ecosystem for the UK to enable the development of socially beneficial autonomous systems, trustworthy in principle and in practice. Led by the TAS Hub, the inaugural TAS Early Career Researcher (ECR) Awards have been initiated to celebrate outstanding contributions made by PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to any area of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems research in the last three years.


Lead researchers

Dr Eike Schneiders

Lecturer in Computer Science
Research interests
  • Human-Computer and Robot Interaction
  • Human-AI Interaction focusing on generative AI and its impact on society
  • Multidisciplinary research in collaboration with, artists, medical professionals, and lawyers
Connect with Eike

Research outputs