Research project

Underwater high resolution monitoring of vast areas by Distributed Optical Fibre Acoustic Sensors


Lead researchers

Professor Gilberto Brambilla

Associate Dean International
Connect with Gilberto

Other researchers

Professor Paul White

Prof of Statistical Signal Processing
Research interests
  • Paul has research interests which include signal processing, underwater acoustics and bioacoustics (the way animals, especially marine mammals, use sound). He is primarily concerned with developing tools to assist in the computer-aided analysis of underwater sounds and understanding the role of those sounds in the marine environment.
  • Acoustics, in the form of sonar, is an important tool for the exploration of the marine environment. It is used by the seismic industry to locate oil and gas reserves, by the military to detect objects, by oceanographers to make measurements and by marine mammals to survive.
  • Man-made underwater acoustic systems rely upon computers to process the data coming from sensors to interpret the environment. The processing methods within the computer systems are a critical component often defining the overall success of the instrument.
Connect with Paul

Professor Jonathan Bull

Professor in Ocean & Earth Science
Research interests
  • Fluid Flow and Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Monitoring, Measurement and Verification
  • Marine Geophysics
Connect with Jonathan

Professor Tim Minshull

Professor in Ocean & Earth Science
Research interests
  • Continental breakup and the onset of seafloor spreading
  • Methane hydrate beneath the seafloor and its role in the Earth system
  • Exploration geophysics: seismic and electromagnetic imaging
Connect with Tim

Dr Ali Masoudi

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Ali

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Nicholas Harmon, Catherine A. Rychert, John Davis, Gilberto Brambilla, William Buffet, Ben Chichester, Yuhang Dai, Petros Bogiatzis, James Snook, Lieke van Putten & Ali Masoudi, 2022, Near Surface Geophysics, 20(5), 465-477
Type: article
David Milne, Ali Masoudi, Geoff Watson, Edgar Ferro & Louis Le Pen, 2020, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 142
Type: article
Brandon Redding, Matthew Murray, Andrei Donko, Martynas Beresna, Ali Masoudi & Gilberto Brambilla, 2020, Optics Express, 28(10), 14638-14647
Type: article