Research project

VENUS Study – Developing a new approach to managing care home residents with possible urinary tract infection 

Project overview

The number of people living in nursing or residential care homes is increasing. People living in these settings are often frail and at risk of infections. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are very common in care home residents. However, there is a concern that UTI are over-diagnosed and over-treated in care home residents. This is because frail older people who develop new symptoms like weakness, loss of balance, increased confusion, or who have a change in the appearance or smell of their urine, are often treated as though they have a UTI. However, we don’t know whether people with these symptoms have a bacterial infection and/or benefit from antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately, testing for bacteria in the urine is not very helpful as many care home residents will ‘carry’ bacteria in their urine even when they do not have an infection or any symptoms.

We would like to test whether it is safe to avoid giving antibiotics to care home residents who develop these non-specific symptoms or changes to their urine. However, we first need to explore the views of care home staff and GPs about how to safely manage these patients without the initial use of antibiotics.


Explore the views of care home staff and GP stakeholders on:

The design of a trial of antibiotics for care home residents with suspected UTI, including blinding, inclusion criteria and outcomes.
What testing and monitoring would be acceptable as an ‘enhanced surveillance’ safety net for patients/residents not initially treated with antibiotics.
Any other potential barriers or facilitators to conducting a trial comparing immediate antibiotic treatment with an ‘enhanced surveillance’ approach.


This study will involve online interviews with clinicians who provide clinical advice to care homes (GPs, advanced nurse practitioners, paramedics, frailty service, private providers) and interviews with care home staff (managers, nursing and care staff). We aim to recruit participants from 2-4 care homes (including both nursing and residential homes). We will conduct interviews using online voice or video calls, or phone calls. We will send sample materials, such as draft guidance or checklists, to participants prior to their interview so that they can provide feedback and use it as a focus for discussion. The interviews will be recorded and transcribed, and then analysed using methods appropriate for qualitative research.

This study is being conducted by the Primary Care Research Centre.


Lead researchers

Professor Nick Francis

Head of School
Research interests
  • Infections in primary care
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Respiratory infections
Connect with Nick

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