Research project

What is the optimum strategy for identifying adults and children with coeliacs' disease? A systematic review and economoic models


Lead researchers

Professor Hazel Everitt

Professor of Primary Care Research
Research interests
  • Supporting Self-management 
  • Healthcare communication
  • Development of digital interventions
Connect with Hazel

Research outputs

Martha M.C. Elwenspoek, Rachel O'Donnell, Joni Jackson, Hazel Everitt, Peter Gillett, Alastair D. Hay, Hayley E. Jones, Gerry Robins, Jessica C. Watson, Sue Mallett & Penny Whiting, 2022, EClinicalMedicine, 46
Type: article
Athena Sheppard, Martha M.C. Elwenspoek, Lauren J. Scott, Victoria Corfield, Hazel Everitt, Peter M. Gillett, Alastair D. Hay, Hayley E. Jones, Susan Mallett, Jessica Watson & Penny F. Whiting, 2022, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 55(5), 514-527
Type: review
Martha M.C. Elwenspoek, Joni Jackson, Rachel O’Donnell, Anthony Sinobas, Sarah Dawson, Hazel Everitt, Peter Gillett, Alastair D. Hay, Deborah L. Lane, Susan Mallett, Gerry Robins, Jessica C. Watson, Hayley E. Jones & Penny Whiting, 2021, PLoS ONE, 16(10 October)
Type: article
M. Elwenspoek, Joni Jackson, Sarah Dawson, Hazel Everitt, Peter Gillett, Alastair D. Hay, Hayley E. Jones, Deborah Lane, Susan Mallett, Gerry Robins, Athena Sheppard, Jo Stubbs, Howard Thom, Jessica Watson & Penny Whiting, 2020, BMJ Open
Type: article