Digital humanities facilities

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About the Digital humanities facilities

Our digital humanities hub is used by students in all humanities subject areas.

It includes modern technology such as virtual reality, 3D scanning and printing, and a 360-degree fully immersive audio-visual centre. In addition, the space includes several areas for individual and group work. We also use these to host workshops, peer learning sessions, demonstrations, talks and drop-in surgeries.

The team of experts supporting these facilities will help you put them to good use. With their help, you could build and explore virtual worlds, create performances based on motion-capture technology, or digitally scan and manipulate heritage objects.


  • Explore scenes, locations and objects in virtual reality.
  • Use Ultimaker 3D printers to create tactile experiences of lost or fragile objects.
  • Craft visual content and video essays in our industry-standard video editing suite.
  • Track how an instrument is played, experiment with motion capture-based theatre, or touch a 3D computer model of a priceless museum artefact.
  • Transpose the pixels, shapes and features of visual material into sound, enabling new and creative ways of experiencing the form and content of imagery.
  • Immerse yourself in our 6m diameter Igloo, a 360-degree screen for interactive experiences such as standing in the middle of a world heritage site, tracing connections in a visual representation of a network, or just watching your latest film production in a fully immersive environment.