Computer science and software engineering

Join a community exploring the latest technology underpinning society. Computer scientists and software engineers are problem-solvers who analyse challenges and provide solutions in every area of our lives. At Southampton, you'll gain a strong understanding of your chosen topic, guidance from top researchers, and access to modern facilities and equipment to support your studies. Tailor the degree to suit your interests and future career, with opportunities to study abroad, complete an industry placement, or take optional modules outside of your discipline.
within 15 months of graduation
Graduate Outcomes 2023
Accredited by the British Computer Society and the Institution of Engineering and Technology
Contribute to the field of research in computer science and software, either in person or through distance learning, by completing a PhD with us.
My main research area is formal methods for software engineering. These are modelling and analysis methods used to increase the trustworthiness of software-based systems.
I research database systems with a focus on using data appropriately and effectively. This involves solving problems with databases, information discovery and retrieval, and algorithmic accountability.
I build solutions to complex problems using a combination of electronics and computer science, and I'm currently focusing on the Internet of Things.