Computer science and software engineering

From artificial intelligence and machine learning to cyber security and the Internet of Things, we'll offer you a wide range of ways to study computer science and software engineering.

Join a community exploring the latest technology underpinning society. Computer scientists and software engineers are problem-solvers who analyse challenges and provide solutions in every area of our lives. At Southampton, you'll gain a strong understanding of your chosen topic, guidance from top researchers, and access to modern facilities and equipment to support your studies. Tailor the degree to suit your interests and future career, with opportunities to study abroad, complete an industry placement, or take optional modules outside of your discipline.

Computer science and software courses

Undergraduate courses

Study spaces and facilities

Student stories

Research highlights

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Our research makes a difference


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Get in touch. We're happy to answer your questions.
University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ  
We're open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, UK time.