Explore our campuses

We have 5 closely-connected campuses in the city of Southampton, 1 in the nearby city of Winchester, and 1 in the Malaysian city of Iskandar Puteri.

  • 7 safe and modern campuses

  • Across 3 walkable and green cities

  • Connected by great transport

  • Equipped with modern facilities

Where you'll work

Our campuses are where you'll work. Each campus is a community of related subject areas, with study spaces, libraries, cafes and restaurants. Some also have gym and sports facilities. No matter which campus you are based at, you can use the facilities at any campus.

  • Two students sat in a bedroom talking and looking at books and notes. Light streams in through a large window.

    Halls of residences

    We have six halls of residence in Southampton and Winchester with our teams offering 24-hour support and advice for our students.
  • People walking in city centre across Guildhall Square

    1 Guildhall Square

    Home to the University’s main HR Operations and IT departments, situated in the heart of Southampton’s Cultural Quarter.
  • Three computer science students working with a motherboard of a computer

    Southampton Science Park

    South of England’s innovation hub with commercial offices, laboratories, meeting and conferencing facilities, and SETsquared business incubator.

Working with us