PhD Distance Learning Applied Linguistics 2023-24

Academic Regulations: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Final AwardDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)  
With exit awards of:  
Master of Philosophy 
Programme(s)PhD Distance Learning Applied Linguistics
Last modifiedApril 2023

The Academic Regulations which are detailed in the Regulations for Research Degrees and Higher Doctorates, and the General Information and Regulations, apply to and regulate the programme(s) listed above. 

On occasion, programmes can be exempted from one or more of the clauses in the Regulations; one or more of the clauses can be varied; and programmes can impose additional requirements.

  • Exemptions are characterised by the omission of the relevant clause.
  • Variations are characterised by the replacement of the clause with alternative wording.
  • Additions are characterised by requirements in addition to those detailed in the Academic regulations.

The programmes listed have approval from the Academic Quality and Standards Committee for the exemptions and/or variations and/or additions to the regulations noted below.


The clause(s) listed below describe where an exemption to the Regulations exists.

None apply.


The clause(s) listed below describe where a variation to the Regulations exists:

Existing University regulationCode of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision

Progression Reviews – Timings 

Research students who enrolled on their doctoral studies after 1 August 2016 are required to undertake Progression Reviews as outlined in the Summary of timings of progression reviews for research students who enrolled on their doctoral studies on or after 1 August 2016 tables below. The second Progression Review is known as confirmation of doctoral candidature and must be successfully completed before a research student may submit a thesis for examination. 


Research students will be required to submit the material for a Progression Review normally not later than four working weeks in advance of the decision deadline.  These timings are defined to enable the Assessment Panel to consider the submitted material, hold the Review, and make a recommendation within the specified timeframe.  Timings refer to the full month, i.e. the decision from the first attempt at the First Progression Review should be made before the end of month 10. 

Summary of timings of progression reviews for research students who enrolled on their doctoral studies on or after 1 August 2016 (full-time programmes) 3
 First AttemptSecond Attempt
Submission window Decision deadline Submission window Decision deadline
First Progression Review 7-9 months Before the end of month 10 10-11 months Before the end of month 12 
Second Progression Review (Confirmation) 18-20 months Before the end of month 21 21-23 months Before the end of month 24 
Third Progression Review 30-32 months Before the end of month 33 33-35 months Before the end of month 36 
Summary of timings of progression reviews for research students who enrolled on their doctoral studies on or after 1 August 2016 (part-time programmes)3
 First AttemptSecond Attempt
Submission window Decision deadline Submission window Decision deadline
First Progression Review First Progression Review 15 – 20 months Before the end of month 21 21 – 24 months Before the end of month 24 
Second Progression Review (Confirmation) Second Progression Review (Confirmation) 30 – 41 months Before the end of month 42 42 – 47 months Before the end of month 48 
Third Progression Review Third Progression Review 61 – 65 months Before the end of month 66 66 – 71 months Before the end of month 72 
18.18 In exceptional circumstances, and only where a student can be shown to be making exceptional progress, a research student may be permitted to undertake their Progression Review earlier than the timeframe specified.  In such a case, the request must be made by the main supervisor to the Faculty Director of the Graduate School for recommendation to the Faculty Education Committee for approval. 

Research students who first enrolled on their doctoral studies before 1 August 2016 will follow the progression monitoring timings and procedures that applied at the time of their year of entry and as determined by their Faculty (including those for upgrade/transfer from MPhil to PhD).  A summary of the applicable timings, depending on year of entry, is set out in the table below and students should refer to their Faculty for further information. However, the policy and procedure outlined in section 18 of this Code (Progression Monitoring and Reviews: The second progression review (confirmation of doctoral Candidature)) will apply to research students who first enrolled on their doctoral studies before 1 August 2016 when completing their upgrade/transfer from MPhil to PhD. 

Summary of timings of Confirmation of Doctoral candidature/Upgrade from MPhil to PhD3
Time of Entry Full-time Part-time 
After 1 August 2016 18 to 21 months 30 to 42 months 
1 August 2015 to 1 August 2016 18 to 21 months 30 to 42 months 
Before 1 August 2015 At least 6 months before final thesis submission At least 6 months before final thesis submission 

1  These timings may be adjusted on a pro-rata basis for research students registered on non-standard research programmes where other duties are a formal part of the programme; for example, the Clinical Doctorate Research Fellowship scheme or the Mayflower Scholarship scheme.

Approved Variation 

Normally all first progression reviews will be held face-to-face in Southampton or via videoconferencing or other suitable technologically-based communication. If a sufficiently large cohort is located in one geographical region, University of Southampton staff may travel to a regional centre where a cohort of students can have their first progression review vivas. 

Where this is not possible, alternative arrangements will be made, e.g. they may be conducted via videoconferencing or other suitable technologically-based communication. 

Confirmations/Upgrades/Transfers are normally conducted via videoconferencing or other suitable technologically-based communication. 

The final viva voce will take place in Southampton, however in exceptional circumstances alternative arrangements may be made with the approval of the Faculty Graduate School directorate. 

Each student will agree an individual arrangements document setting out the arrangements pertinent to themselves with their supervisor prior to commencing their studies. 

In addition to the above: 

For students commencing their candidature after 1 August 2016 the first progression review will take place between months eight and ten for the first attempt and before the end of month twelve for the second attempt if required.

Additional Requirements

The clause(s) listed below are in addition to the Regulations.

None apply

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the programme specification.


As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.