President & Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Presidents and Executive Directors in Professional Services

President & Vice-Chancellor  

Professor Mark E. Smith, CBE, FInstP 

Senior Vice President (Academic) 

Professor Phillip Wright 


Professor Deborah Gill (Education and Student Experience) 

Professor Mark Spearing (Research and Enterprise) 

Professor Jane Falkingham, CBE (Engagement and International) 

Professor Andrew Atherton (International and Engagement) 

Wendy Appleby (Operations) 

Chief of Staff & Chief Strategy Officer 

Dr Giles Carden 

Senior Executive Director of Students and Infrastructure (Deputy Vice-President (Operations)) 

Kieron Broadhead  

Academic Registrar 

Claire Atkins  

Clerk to the University Council and Senate 

Lee Abraham  

Executive Director of Estates and Facilities  

Kevin Argent 

Executive Director of Finance 

Alison Jarvis 

Executive Director of Human Resources 

Anne-Marie Sitton 

Executive Director of Communications 

Emily Fingland 

Chief Digital and Information Officer  

Richard Strange 

Executive Director of Legal, Governance, Risk and Resilience 

Yvonne Hawkins 

Executive Director of Research and Innovation Services

Lorna Colquhoun 

Executive Director of Student Life

David Winstanley 

Executive Director of Student Administration & Academic Affairs

Karen Omisore

Executive Director of Office of Development and Alumni Relations

Jo Donahoe