Who makes key decisions for the Council (Scheme of Council Delegation)

The University of Southampton Scheme of Council Delegation sets out the principal delegations from the University’s governing body, the Council. It identifies the location of authority and accountability within the University for decisions made in its name and on its behalf. The Scheme of Council Delegation supports the overall governance arrangements for the Council, the Senate, Vice Chancellor, advised by the University Executive Board (UEB) and their sub-groups.

The Scheme of Council Delegation is a live document that will be updated annually. Amendments to the document regarding clarification of any areas can be done throughout the year however fundamental changes would be taken to council for approval. Responsibility for maintaining the Scheme of Council Delegation sits with the Governance Team.

This page includes information about the:

Find out who makes and oversees decisions within these areas:

Principles and limitations of the Scheme of Council Delegation

As the governing body of the University, the Council is responsible for approving the strategy, budgets, monitoring their performance and the framework of governance. These are decisions the Council is not able to delegate to other bodies across the University and they are outlined in the Charter.

It is also important to note that the Scheme of Council Delegation is a headline document that focuses on the final stages of Council delegated decision making across the University. It does not look at other bodies that delegate powers and is therefore not fully comprehensive.

Overarching Framework of Delegation

The University has a governing body known as the Council which is the supreme authority of the University. It is ultimately accountable for the conduct and activity of the University and its representatives; however, it can delegate some of its powers and duties to the bodies and positions set out below. It is responsible for approving the strategy, budgets, monitoring their performance and the framework of governance.

Accountable to the Council, The President and Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of the University including staff discipline and grievances. They are supported by the University Executive Board (UEB) which advises the Vice-Chancellor on developing and implementing strategy, operational plans, policies, procedures, and budgets. Under the President and Vice-Chancellor, sits the Vice-Presidents who are responsible for the leadership of their respective departments.

The Senate has delegated authority from the Council to regulate and be responsible for the education of students of the University. Deans are responsible for the leadership and overall management of their respective Faculties. Executive Directors provide the same service but for the Professional Services.

Scheme of Council Delegation headers

The tables below are organised into the following columns.


These are the powers of Council that are delegated to the approving body/position.

Responsible for governance oversight

This is the body or position that has been delegated responsibility to oversee the implementation of the delegated power and ensure it is used correctly and within the confines of the Charter and any legal or regulatory limits.

Responsible for approvals

This is the body or position that has been delegated the responsibility to implement or enact the delegated power, within the same parameters as the previous column.

Point of contact

This is the body or position that can advise the approving body/position before a decision is made. They are usually a specialist in the relevant field and so have a wealth of knowledge and contacts to help make an informed decision.


This column is used to outline any further information. 

Academic and student matters

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of ContactNotes
Provision of Student Welfare ServicesPresident and Vice-ChancellorVice-President (Operations)Senior Executive Director (Deputy VP Operations)Policy and regulatory aspects are delegated via the Education and Student Experience Committee.
Approval of Recruitment PlanPresident and Vice-ChancellorPlanning and Resources GroupStudent Life DirectorateStudent Recruitment and Management Group advises Planning and Resource Group.
Discipline of StudentsSenateStudent Discipline CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Student complaintsSenateEducation and Student Experience CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Establishment of DegreesCouncilSenateStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Granting and revocation of degrees and other academic distinctions to persons who have pursued a course of study and passed relevant examinationsCouncilSenateStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Approval of pass listsCouncilSenateStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Design and approval of new courses / amendments to existing coursesSenateEducation and Student Experience CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Approval of withdrawal or suspension of programmesSenateEducation and Student Experience CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Establishment of fellowships, studentships, scholarshipsPlanning and Resources GroupPresident and Vice-Chancellor

Student Administration and Academic Affairs

Student Life

Establishment of prizesSenateSchool Programmes Committee
Faculty Graduate School Subcommittee
Student Administration and Academic Affairs 
Approval of collaborative provision / academic partnershipsSenateEducation and Student Experience Committee
International Executive Group/International Committee
Student Administration and Academic Affairs 
Appointment of internal examiners / Boards of ExaminersSenateSchool Programmes CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Appointment of external examiners for taught programmesSenateSchool Programmes CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 
Appointment of examiners for research degree programmesSenateFaculty Graduate School CommitteeStudent Administration and Academic Affairs 

Capital matters

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Responsible for approving all new capital programmes and business cases for investment up to £25mCouncilFinance CommitteeExecutive Director of Finance 
Responsible for approving any amendments to a previously approved capital project budget from £1m up to £5m or where a project up to £25m is exceeded by 10%CouncilFinance CommitteeExecutive Director of Finance 
Responsible for approving the acquisition of, disposal of and/or leasing arrangements of land and buildings in excess of £5m and making recommendations to Council for approvals above £25mCouncilFinance CommitteeExecutive Director of Finance 
Responsible for approving all new capital projects within an approved programme up to £5m per itemCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor 
Responsible for approving all new capital projects not within approved budgets up to £2.5m per itemCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor 
Responsible for approving any amendments to a previously approved capital project budget up to £1mCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-ChancellorVC to make decision following recommendations from EPB and/or ITSPB, Executive Director, Finance and Planning and Legal.
Responsible for approving the acquisition of, disposal of and/or leasing arrangements of land and buildings up to £5mCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-ChancellorVC to make decision following recommendations from EPB and/or ITSPB, Executive Director, Finance and Planning and Legal.
Responsible for approving the acquisition or disposal of land or lease between £5m and £25mCouncilFinance CommitteeExecutive Director of Finance 
Disposal of equity spinouts of £5m and aboveCouncilFinance CommitteeKnowledge Exchange and Enterprise Board 


IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Naming of University buildings linked with philanthropy between £1,000 and £99,999CouncilDirector of Development and Alumni RelationsOffice of Development and Alumni 
Naming of University buildings linked with philanthropy between £100,000 and £999,999CouncilGift Acceptance and Naming CommitteeOffice of Development and Alumni 
Naming of University buildings linked with philanthropy between £1m and £10mCouncilGift Acceptance and Naming CommitteeOffice of Development and AlumniApproval from Finance Committee required after GANC have approved.

Financial matters

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Primary responsibility for ensuring that proper accounting records are keptCouncilExecutive Director of FinanceFinance, Planning and Analytics DepartmentAs per section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 – Duty to keep accounting records.
Approval of Finance policiesCouncilFinance CommitteeFinance, Planning and Analytics DepartmentFinance Policies and Procedures are used to define correct practice.
Approval of, and alterations to, tuition fees and other academic fees, and associated fees policiesCouncilFinance CommitteeFinance, Planning and Analytics Department

Information comes from the Student Recruitment Management Group on fee setting, then approved by PRG before going to other committees.

Finance Committee only approve non-regulated fees.

Relegated fees are not delegated.

Write-off bad debt related to tuition fees above £50,000CouncilTreasurerFinance, Planning and Analytics Department 
Write off bad debt related to tuition fees up to £50,000CouncilExecutive Director of Finance 
Director of Finance (Operations)
Finance, Planning and Analytics DepartmentManager of Student Fees and Credit Control can write off bad debt related to tuition fees up to £3,000.
Write off non-student bad debt between £50,000 and £250,000CouncilFinance CommitteeFinance, Planning and Analytics Department 
Write off non-student bad debt between £100 and £50,000CouncilExecutive Director of Finance 
Director of Finance (Operations)
Finance, Planning and Analytics Department 
Approval for student payments to be deferred / paid in instalmentsFinance CommitteeFinance CommitteeFinance, Planning and Analytics Department 
Approval to engage external auditors for non-audit servicesAudit and Risk CommitteeAudit and Risk CommitteeFinance, Planning and Analytics Department 
Acceptance of gifts up to £99,999CouncilDirector of Development and Alumni RelationsOffice of Development and Alumni RelationsAnnual report to Finance Committee
Acceptance of gifts between £100,000 and £999,999CouncilGift Acceptance and Naming CommitteeOffice of Development and Alumni RelationsAnnual report to Finance Committee on recommendation of Office of Development of Alumni Relations
Acceptance of gifts between £1,000,000 and £9,999,999CouncilFinance CommitteeOffice of Development and Alumni RelationsApproval from Finance Committee required after GANC have approved. Annual report to Council.
Procurement of goods and servicesCouncilExecutive Director of FinanceHead of ProcurementAs per financial regulations and policies approved by Council

Governance management and control

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Execution of the responsibilities of the President and Vice-ChancellorCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorCorporate Governance Services

The President and Vice-Chancellor is the principal Academic and Administrative Officer of the University, and as such acts as its chief executive officer and its accountable officer.

Council delegates full authority to the President and Vice-Chancellor to act on its behalf in all matters relating to the organisation, direction, management and well-being of the university and the leadership of its staff, subject to principles set out.

In carrying out their responsibilities, the President and Vice-Chancellor will consult, where necessary, with the Officers, and members of Council and their senior colleagues, but particularly in matters of novel or potentially contentious nature.


IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Approval of international collaborations for research and enterpriseCouncilVice-President (Research and Enterprise)Research and Innovation Services    In carrying out their responsibilities, the Vice-President (Research & Enterprise) will consult with the Vice-Chancellor
Monitoring the performance of international campusesCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorVice President (International and Engagement) 
IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of ContactNotes
Approve the structure, establishment and winding up of all University trading entitiesCouncilFinance CommitteePresident and Vice-Chancellor 

Research and enterprise

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Research integritySenateResearch Integrity and Governance CommitteeVice President Research and Enterprise 
Research ethical approvalSenateUniversity Research Ethics CommitteeVice President Research and Enterprise 
Research misconductSenateResearch Integrity and Governance CommitteeVice President Research and Enterprise 
Disposal and licensing of intellectual propertyPresident and Vice-ChancellorKnowledge Exchange and Enterprise BoardResearch and Innovation Services

The President & Vice Chancellor is advised by UEB.

Finance committee will need to be informed if any single transaction goes above £5m. 

Senior appointments and staffing matters

IssueResponsible for governance oversightResponsible for approvalsPoint of contactNotes
Appointment of Vice-Presidents and Deans of the facultiesCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorHuman Resources Talent and Resourcing Team 
Awarding title of Emeritus Professor or Fellow, Honorary Professor, Professor, Associate Professor or LecturerCouncilPresident and Vice-ChancellorHuman Resources Reward and Recognition Team 
Determination of salaries and performance related pay for the Vice Chancellor and other senior staffCouncilRemuneration CommitteeClerk to Renumeration Committee 
Approval of the Framework for Senior RemunerationCouncilRemuneration CommitteeHuman Resources 
Pension arrangements for all employeesCouncilPensions Committee  
Review and approve severance arrangements for senior post holders, Named Officer holders and any other employee paid a basic salary of £100,000 or more annum.CouncilRemuneration CommitteeHuman Resources