Courses / Modules / AUDI6016 Preparation for Audiology Placement

Preparation for Audiology Placement

When you'll study it
Level 7
Module lead
Kerry Barker
Academic year

Module overview

This is a non-credit bearing module providing preparation to MSc Audiology students embarking on clinical placements. The module runs across Semester 2 and the summer, ahead of students starting their placements in the following October. While this module is not assessed, completion of this module is required for students’ fitness to practice prior to starting placements. Consequently, failure to attend and engage in the sessions can lead to students being denied from starting placements and referred to the Fitness to Practise process.

The module contains two components:

(1) Sessions and associated work for all students. This component includes seminars, practical sessions and follow-up work related to general preparation for placement.

(2) Sessions and associated work just for students whose first language is not English. This component includes workshops and follow-up work regarding communication skills relevant to the challenging demands of real-time clinical practice.