Courses / Modules / ELEC2303 Programming and Modelling Mechatronic Systems

Programming and Modelling Mechatronic Systems

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Nicolas Green
Academic year

Module overview

This module introduces some advanced programming, simulation and design modelling frameworks and tools. Teaching activities are a combination of taught sessions, expanded self-study supported by the Professional Skills Hub and practical hands-on sessions in computer laboratories. The tools and techniques studied in this module are also used in the companion design module in practical hands-on applications.

For Mechatronics students, the analogue relationship between mechanical and electrical systems are explored, enabling circuit problems and mechanical systems to be treated in the same framework. Efficient approaches to represent, simulate and analyse dynamics systems are then developed and applied. Modelling and analysis are then used to understand vibration problems in continuous mechanical systems, including beams and shafts. Programming techniques are then introduced to simulate and visualise mechanical vibration within a design project.