Courses / Modules / ELEC6259 Research Methods and Project Preparation

Research Methods and Project Preparation

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Nicolas Green
Academic year

Module overview

The Module will prepare students for the summer Research Project and research based coursework exercises. It will give students a grounding in the research methods and techniques necessary in order for planning and successful execution and completion of the project.

The initial phase of the Module involves general research and the review of literature and the development of an understanding of the fields of research relevant to the Programme of Study. This continues with the identification of potential areas of research and discussion about research themes with the Programme Leader.

The second phase begins with allocation to and negotiation with potential project supervisors. More detailed research and analysis methods are studied and a Project Plan is then developed. This plan and the concept of the project which will be presented in a poster presentation at the MSc Poster Conference at the end of the semester.

The module also teaches students what it is to be a professional practitioner, examining ethical and legal issues around professional practice, as well as commercial, management and legal aspects for developing technologies.