Courses / Modules / FEEG6012 MSc Research Project

MSc Research Project

When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Peter Glynne-Jones
Academic year

Module overview

Within the context of your programme of study, students will undertake independent, original and critical research on a relevant topic. Students will then communicate the research objectives, methodology, analysis, results and conclusions effectively both orally and through the production of a Dissertation.

Industrial placement or collaboration is strongly encouraged and facilitated.

The subject matter of the research based dissertation is provided in the School of Engineering project specification list offered by academic staff. Alternatively, students may initiate their own project in accordance with local arrangements within the different MSc programmes.

Whatever the topic, the background literature must be researched and critically reviewed so that analysis (mathematical or numerical) methods and/or experimental procedures may be identified and justified as appropriate to the challenges of the project specification. A pure subject review without either analysis or experimental investigation is deemed inappropriate for an MSc dissertation.

A research project from a discipline that is different to the MSc programme being followed may be undertaken where the invitation to participate is sufficiently open and the student has the necessary background knowledge and competence to permit meeting the project challenges in the timescale available.