Courses / Modules / LANG6029 Research Skills (Dissertation Preparation)

Research Skills (Dissertation Preparation)

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Laura Lewis
Academic year

Module overview

The purpose of this module is to help you prepare your Masters dissertation in Languages & Cultures or Translation & Professional Communication Skills, including the oral presentation that forms part of its assessment. The emphasis is on skills required for a formal oral presentation, and for writing a dissertation on any topic within the scope of the MA Languages & Cultures and MA Translation & Professional Communication Skills programmes (processing, analysing, and evaluating theoretical frameworks and research methods; formulating research questions; articulating and organising ideas; developing and structuring an argument; processing, analysing and evaluating research sources; bibliographical skills; presentation and editing).

Particular attention will be paid to helping you develop the ability to evaluate and revise your own work. Other skills (such as the gathering, processing, and analysis of archival and linguistic sources) may also be covered, depending on your dissertation topic. Attention will be given to making you sensitive to the dynamics of collaborative research as well as of the requirements of individual research. This module also helps to prepare you for the next stage in your career, whether you are continuing with postgraduate study at the MPhil and/or PhD level, or entering employment. You will learn to identify your intellectual and practical strengths so that you can maximise their potential.